, or Mutatio, is a multiplayer version of You control the blob creature that can be fed, grown, modified, and used to attack others. This was a game I made for Pygame Community New Years Jam (theme: Mutation). I wanted to experiment with new game development habits and learn more about networking. Less global state The only server currently available is my own:, and I will most likely keep it up for at least a month after the release. Maximum simultaneous clients permitted is 10. For more information on client and server stuff, please refer to the README. Discord ID: #9563 Versions: Version 1.0.1 was published before the close of the jamversion 1.0.2 included some minor bugs fixes to the file related to sudden client disconnectedions. "Slim" versions are compiled version where I tried to remove any DLLs, folders, and other files I do not believe you require to run the program. You are responsible for your download.
It is vast and beautiful. But it can also be dangerous if you are reduced to the size an ant. This survival adventure is first-person, multiplayer. You will need to thrive with the giant insect hordes, as they battle for survival in the backyard.
We are now the next generation of Nickelodeon Kart Racers!
Nickelodeon Kart Racers is back, bigger and better than ever. Over 40 characters are featured in this race. Drift, slide, and lift your way to victory on tracksthat were inspired by Nickelodeon classics like SpongeBob SquarePants and Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.
Important Game Features * A cast that includes over 40 Nickelodeon characters * Voice acting is a major breakthrough for Nickelodeon Kart Racers! You can transform your new kart, or bike, into watercrafts for all kinds of terrain. You can customize the appearance of your Raphael and Reptar Mobileto change parts or paint, as well as a variety of combinations. There are 90members of the crew available to suit your style and provide unique abilities. * 36 tracks offer alternate routes with intense slime, both new and old. • Face-off with your fellow racers at a chaotic arena. Split-screen extreme for local and online!
Madden NFL 23 is your chance to make history. You can control your influence with every decision. Franchise lets you make the decisions. Get trade logic updates and free agency. Face of the Franchise: The League allows you to play in the past and build the best Madden Ultimate Team (tm) The League: The Face of the Franchise You are eligible to join the League as a fifth-year player in a position you choose (RB, QB, RB or CB), and will be looking for a new start with a team. You can negotiate a one-year contract that is "prove it" with any of the 32 NFL teams. Show your great performance on the field to get rewards and move up. You can adjust your game experience during a match and receive feedback and rewards depending on how you perform. You will get performance enhancements through weekly activities, training and between-games feedback. Chad Johnson, Madden Ratings Adjustor, guides you in your career development with ratings updates. Your NFL career will be ranked among the greatest of all time? You decide. Franchise With refined staff management and scouting skills, you can plan and strategize as a head coach for the NFL. This will help your Franchise reach higher levels. Contract negotiations are complicated by new athlete motivations such as salary and team location. This adds to the excitement of NFL free agency in Franchise. Trade Logic AI has been updated to reflect the true value of stars players and make more accurate offers. Madden Ultimate Team Create your fantasy team of NFL stars, Hall of Fame heroes, and many more. With Madden Ultimate Team's first Field Pass Challenge and rewards tracker, you always have something to win. You can play to win MUT Champions entry tokens, and you can compete whenever suits your schedule. The Simplified Set Building allows you to navigate your content binder better so that you can concentrate on your Ultimate Team roster.
Arcade Spirits The New Challengers follows 2019's Arcade Spirits. This visual novel is about love and pixels. You will be looking for friendship and romance in arcades. You can now find friendship and romance in arcades!
You are an ambitious gamer looking for glory in esports playing the Fist of Discomfort 2 Pro Tour. You are looking for a friend to play with? Join a group of people who meet at Good Clean Fun. It's a pizzeria, laundromat, and arcade. You will need to help the team rally together, learn more about them and support their goals. Your team will win by defeating rivals and winning tournaments. You'll also discover a bizarre arcade conspiracy while you guide them along the way to success!
Arcade Spirits: In the next year 20XX, The New Challengers are coming to Arcade Spirits. Follow us on Twitter or here for the latest news! These are the features that you love about Arcade Spirits There are six new characters that you can befriend, romance and a few returning appearances of series favourites. Molly Nemecek's character art, the pulsating sounds of synthwave music by Greg Mirles, and stunning background art by Jessie Lam Iris is your virtual assistant that helps you measure your personality. Your personality can range from kind, steady, sane, witty, gutsy or flexible. You can date anyone, regardless of pronouns. Or you could focus solely on friendship building. NEW Features added to this series: You can import your Arcade Spirits decisions and change the world of 20XX to reflect the choices that you've made. Even if the original game is not your favorite, this can be used as an alternative experience. It will also adapt to suit your needs and provide a fresh start. You can now create your own character! Choose from body types, hairstyles and accessories. Your character will now appear on the screen throughout the entire game. Create your rival You can create your own enemy using the power of the character maker. Oder will love blossom between the two foes ...?? Fist of Discomfort 2 a mini-strategier game that lets you take on the entire world. Without ending your story, victory or defeat will change the story's direction. Minigames are skippable. Balanced personalities with greater variety and opportunities to speak to each character.
No Place for Bravery, a 2D action RPG that takes place from top to bottom, is rich in visuals and music. It tells a story of personal reflection and moral dilemmas. Your choices. This game is all about parries and quick-paced combat. You'll be punished for making mistakes and will feel a sense of vulnerability while you face the risks of Bravery's World. Thorn is a former warrior who has nightmares and stumbles upon a chance for redemption when he discovers cluesthat lead to the disappearance of his daughterfrom years ago. Phid is Thorn's foster disabled son. It will be up the player to determine how far Thorn will go to save his daughter and fulfill his dreams. Bravery is a powerful story about the importance of parents and how they can influence the lives of children in troubled times. The developers have personal experiences that inform this message. This game seeks to convey these genuine, real feelings of empathy with depth and competence. Thorn can be a skilled warrior even in a world that is filled with people just like him. Thorn can be controlled by you and will survive. However, your defeats are likely to show Thorn's vulnerability. This decrepit, low-fantasy setting is infused with pixel art and hand-painted textures. Thorn navigates through the world, revealing a captivating mix of pixel art that's extremely detailed, pixel art, greatpixel art, beautiful hand painted textures, and incredibly vivid fantasy settings. No Place for Bravery is a place that pulses with intense, immersive atmosphere you will feel through your veins every second.
Marvel's Midnight Suns: A new tactical RPG that takes place in the dark side of Marvel Universe. It puts you up against the demonic forces and underworld. You will be able to team with the Midnight Suns (Earth's last line-of defense) as well as live among them.
Through dark magic and science, Hydra has resurrected Lilith, the Mother of Demons after centuries of sleeping. As a fulfillment of an old prophecy, Lilith will do anything to bring Chthon back. The Avengers are at the edge of collapseand desperately seek help from the Midnight Suns, Blade Magik, Blade, Magik, and Ghost Rider, who were young supernatural-rooted heroes created to stop the prophecy Lilith is trying to fulfil. They resurrect an old warrior together - The Hunter, Lilith’s abandoned child and the only known hero to ever defeat her. Faced with fallen allies, and with the fate of the entire world on the line, you will have to stand up against the darkness.
The famous studio that transformed strategy and tactics gaming forever has a brand new title. It features cinematic tactical combat, friendships with heroes and an incredible adventure that explores the dark side of Marvel.
You can race your way to the top on ATVs, UTVs, and bikes in MX vs. ATV Legends. You will enjoy huge new open areas and a career modewhich allows you to experience the rewards and risks of being a professional rider. You can become an off-road racing hero! It's now or never! features: You can race in split-screen mode for 2-players or online with 16 players. You can compete in the new career path, which offers you sponsorship opportunities, different routes, and invitational events Trails Mode is a new mode that allows for outdoor high intensity racing. It offers new challenges and new opportunities to challenge your riding style. Get the best parts and gear for off-road racingby customizing your riders and cars The refined physics system allows you to ride berms or ruts more precisely than ever.
Sci-Fi and cosmic horror are only two possible ways to discuss Dolmen. This is an action-packed third person game that combines RPG elements with lovecraftian plotting. It challenges players to uncover the deepest secrets of the universe. Revion Prime, a forgotten planetwill host the action. It won't all be easy. Adaptation, exploration and creativity will be your primary weapons when you create new equipment and items from the carcasses of your enemy. Each step could be the last! Your experience points can be used to help you face challenges that no one has faced before. David Hume said, "The life and work of man are of equal importance in the universe as that of oysters." STRATEGIC, DINAMIC AND STRATEGIC COMBAT Who are the people left in this situation? You'll need to be flexible if the unexpected comes up. Intense Melee Combat You can have fun with a variety of melee weapons, moves and techniques! As you attempt to escape the enemy and damage them, attack, block, dodge. Smart Ranged Combat To cause enemies different debuffs, use ranged weapons' elemental shots! Each combination has a specific answer, which makes the battles challenging and innovative. Energy Management You will need energy to activate your ranged weaponry. This is not the only way to use Energy. Your melee weapon can be enhanced by activating Energy Mode. You can also use Energy to quickly recover the majority of your HP. However, Energy does not automatically regenerate so be careful! Challenging Enemies The cosmos doesn't want you to survive. Many creatures along your path will attempt to stop you from continuing your own journey. Gruesome Bosses Is the human race worthy to exist? Many alpha predators won't agree! EXPLORATION Every environment can give you a sense of separation from Earth. This means there are many new perspectives available. The way is complicated by fungi, corpses, and amorphous stalagites. Revion Prime hosts many types of vegetal life. Each level offers different approaches to understanding the area: The plants, fog and terrain are constantly changing. You can make a whole new world your own. You'll never feel the same way again... PLOT As you fight to live, learn the language of every Universe! It could be described as an inquiry that focuses on the future and past of an alien planet through the eyes of humans. His original mission was quite different, but he was brought into a new reality with little resources and no preparation for what was to come in the near future. Find and connect the missing alphabets of the galaxy to uncover the truth! SURVIVAL This unforgiving planet, Revion Prime is the final maze that leads to the Dolmen. CRAFT You can create equipment (weapons, armor, and other tools) to upgrade your alien society. This is your chance to explore this planet and harvest materials from the dead, in order to create survivor gear. You can either search for it or create your answer! LEVEL up You can level up your character's attributes by using XP gained through defeating strange life forms. Your character can be upgraded to fit your play style.
The night is cold, but good company and words will lift our spirits. The storm can't reach here. You can see how the snowflakes melt on the windows. The wind ceases to breathe with just a whisper It seems as though the entire world has gone silent. For the story that I am to tell, you can be silent. "The story of a doll without memories, a cat with no form, and soldier without family. A drifter without a place to call home." .++++. Kalechips: Art, Story and Programming Orpheo Feenn: The OST composition Angela Branchk: Instrumentation and composition for MIDI Kija is an instrument synthesizer/game-namer