Godot FPS Learning Project Game Review

Hello guys !
This demo was created with Godot Engine 3.
1- True FPS Controller that is able to climb Ledges and Climb Ladders Crawl in holes, walk down slopes, swimming .. And more.
2- A complicated inventory system. You are able to loot things, drop them scrap them, Store them or craft fresh ones .. And so on.
Artificial Intelligence Systems of three levels can keep from each other, and see the world, hear, attack examine, or patrol…
Four effects like Lens Flares and Minimap.
5- More advanced UI system Damage system, Game Console system, Settings system Saving and Load System … and more.
Sixteen extra features and features are available in the game.
7- Everything connects to every thing, and you’ll learn it in the simplest ways yet like professionals.
Notice: I didn’t erase a line. Pressing “B” causes it to cause injury. It was done for debug purposes, regretfully.

Reviewed by ashoka tano sex game

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